Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Perodua Bezza...apakah

Dah macam2 forum dok bercakap berkisar tentang concept kar perodua yg baru : BEZZA. Nama dah catchy dah [ Best zaaaa + slang omputih nigger skit... ] Tapi kurang bebenor yang bagitaw rege kete ni. Rata2 ckp pasal rekaan anak tempatan dan komplen pasal ctrl c...ctrl v model prius milik toyota tu. Bukan nak memperlekehkan buatan perodua, but by adapting prestigious car concept is a leapin step to catch the technology dan applikasinyer. Sama gak dgn Proton (apakenamanyer errrr) Inspira tu copy bulat2 mitsubishi lancer. Sepengetahuan patik, first 1000 model inspira adalah 100% buatan mitsibichi dan proton cuma kendalikan servis dan analisis sepanjang jualan 1000 unit ni.... kira cam RND skali sama sales gitew.....Bila dah konfiden baru lah keluar yg keluaran malaysia punyer ( ni sembang2 kedai kopi kat Ipoh ari tuh )

** So siapa yang beli first 1000 unit memang lah selamat sebab dari originator co....sapa beli lepas2 tu...sendiri maw ingat la hhahahaha

Kaming bek to Bezza, saya berpendapat perodua is a step ahead from protong yg kopinyer bulat2...but perodua ada kasi skit ejas sana ejas mmg teruja skit. Minat sgt kat:
a. Interior and Dashboard Design
b. Lights cam prius ( nak beli prius mahal sesangat lalala )
c. Back door ( walaupun ramai org ckp tak seswai pakai kat mesia ni )

Walaupun begitu, bila bercakap pasal konsep kar....kebarangkalian utk mass production adalah rendah sebab ia adalah platform kajian utk produksi and if Perodua serious about this, they should already inform or shot some hints about pricing too. This is new way to capture interest, improve branding, increase stock , saham bla bla bla ...
"autobots...teransform and jom pi mkn!!"

ok...sikalang maw gi mengadap aididmuaddib plak...nanti kasi review kat sini.

Ponyxpress Logout !! 0605am swiss time

Friday, September 3, 2010

lelabah....dan buffet ramadhan !!!

assalamualaikum !!! hari baik bulan baik...kita berpuasa! disebabkan keje yg tak putus2 blog ni terbiar seketika. so ada seekor lelabah sudah masuk buat sawang sana skit....sini skit....sana skit...sini skit ahahaha... Hadoi tak tahan ni. baik cas yuran kat en labah2 ni pun ok hohoho...hari ini nak cerita pasal isu arak dlm masakan. apakah definisi arak dan bagaimana plak jika dipandang dari sudut agama...
arak- minuman yg melalui proses fermentasi+hasilkan gas CO2 dan ada juga yg melalui proses distillasi...minum yg berlebihan akan memudaratkan seseorang +menjejaskan pertimbangan akal fikiran.

SO...apa kes di bulan ramadhan? yg mana ramai umat Islam meraikan kedatangan saat berbuka dgn buffet di hotel yg rata2 mempromosikan buffet ramadhan... Jakim mengambil langkah positif dengan memeriksa premis2 yg bersekongkol dlm edaran arak2 dlm masakan.

SOALAN 1 : kalo dalam masakan...mana ada mabuk!! lagipun utk menyedapkan rasa ajer...

SOALAN 2: dari dulu lagi kita pakai perasa ni..takde jadi apa2 pun kat kami....

ok jawapan nyer ( baik dari sudut ilmiah dan psikologi )
Meminum arak adalah haram, Firman Allah SWT " Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sesungguhnya arak, berjudi, berkorban utk berhala dan mengundi nasib dgn panah adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syaitan. maka jauhilah perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan" (Al-Maidah 5:90)
Sabda Rasullullah pula " apa yang memabukkan dalam jumlah yang banyak, adalah diharamkan walaupun dalam jumlah yang sedikit" (Riwayat Ibnu Majjah)

So dah ada firman dan sabda itew, maka jauhilah arak. bukan disebabkan kuantiti sedikit tu tak memabukkan tapi....
a. memberi kesan psikologi bahawa arak itu mmg blh diminum.
b. memberi kesan kepada jiwa dan iman (terkikis iman)
c. mempengaruhi rakan/keluarga persekitaran...
d. imej muslim/muslimah terhakis!!
( kesan buruk arak takyah citer...korang pun taw hahaha)

so jagalah perkara kecik2 ni. sebab perkara kecik2 ni lah yg merebak dan jadi tak terkawal kelak. DCMC ucapkan selamat hari lahir kepada diri sendiri hari ni ahahaha ( dah setahun lebih muder )

fadzly signing out !!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

eh aper nih??

disebabkan lama sgt dok di negara orang...kian lufer kepada kereta yg ada kat umah mesia ahahahaa. celik punyer celik...cari punye cari...TADA !!!


here are some renderings of the new Lancer based Proton Waja from Theophilus Chin. It looks like the car has been given a sexed up look compared to its predecessor...


ps: hati sudah terusik ...sapa nak tanggungjawab haaa ekekeke...

fadzly signing out !! ( amboi rajinyer sampai 3 posts ari ni hahaha )

Salam Kemerdekaan !!!

Kali ni DCMC nak khabor kat semua bahawasanya bersyukurlah dgn anugerah kemerdekaan negara kita. Byk dah kemajuan dah dicapai sejak tempoh 1957 dan dah setanding dengan negara2 membangun yg lain (yg amik masa berkurun utk mengecapi tahap ini). ewah...bukan apa, anak2 post merdeka aka anak2 cyber ni, DCMC tengok sgt la kurang tahap patriotiknyer. SALAH SIAPA ? mak bapak? cikgu2? pendidik, media? or kerajaan ker?

Ni pandangan peribadi saya ajer: semangat kemerdekaan ni sudah luput dilupai sebab penghayatan setiap genap masyarakat sudah beralih ke era pembangunan. Lupakan yg lama...beralih ke arah baru. teknologi kian penting....apa guna sejarah !! tu yg bermain dlm fikiran anak2 muda sekarang... " buat apa tgk cerita lama...baik layan HD avatar ker....hahaha". sociolists and liberalism dah take over mindset golongan majoriti tempatan, so tak hairan lah kenapa sambutan kemerdekaan tahun ni sgt lah suram. especially kat KUANTAN. alahai malunyer saya sebagai warga kuantan kerana thn ni lah keluarnyer paper mengatakan TIADA SAMBUTAN KEMERDEKAAN di kuantan.

Penghayatan bukan sekadar mengibarkan bendera.
Sambutan bukan untuk mempromosikan negara.
Kemerdekaan adalah utk kita muhasabah diri sendiri atas perjuangan pahlawan merdeka...

saya menyeru kepada semua termasuk diri ini supaya tidak lupe jasa dan titik peluh mereka yg rebah memperjuangkan nasib negara. Bila adik saya post tag cerita 1957 Hati Malaya, hati saya tersentuh sebab jalan cerita yg mengambil essense perjuangan + watak Tuanku Abdul Rahman (byk kajian dibuat sebelum watak ini diberi nafas dan jiwa - termasuk dgn melawat dan ziarah rakan2 tuanku utk penghayatan watak...)

errr ni cerita bendera plak ... mmg tiap2 tahun ramai yg kibar bendera. tapi lepas 2-3 hari, bendera tu terus dibiarkan di tempat tu sampai berkulat dan reput. ada dlm sokabor mengatakan bahawa KUANTAN lagi yg femes dgn hal ini...hadoiiii. Di negara barat Eropah, bendera dianggap cam azimat ( bukan azimah yer ekekeke), maksudnyer selepas sehari dikibarkan, terus lipat-simpan !! sok bukak dan kibarkan kembali...begitu lah citernyer. Jiran2 kat SWISS ni pun hari2 dok kibar bendera SWISS di umah diorang sebagai tanda hormat dan takzim. Belum pun buruk DCMC tgk bendera tu...dah ditukar ke bendera yg baru... (alah comot skit jer...terus tukar hahaha)

SALAM KEMERDEKAAN KEPADA SEMUA ~~ 1Malaysia menjana transformasi

fadzly signing out !!


1. Apakah yang bermain di minda anda sekarang?
menghabihkan thesis ASAP !!

2. Apakah nama samaran anda?
Goo Goo, Ah Tung, Yayah utk familiku, Si Kacak (student2ku ekeke)

3. siapakah 3 orang yang paling kamu sayang?
ibu2 saya, isteri-ella, anak2, (eh ni dah lebey ahahaha...tambah blh tak? )

4. Panggilan untuk si dia?
Guano mu, eh tak ayang or mama

5. Hadiah yang anda impikan daripada seseorang yang istimewa?
saya tak mintak apa2.... (alahai baiknyer laaaa)

6. Blog mana yang anda selalu lawat?
isteri sebab dah wajib ahahaha
(yg lain sat lagi la noooo)

7. TAG kan kepada 15 blogger?
(jap lagi la yer ...tak taw camno nak wat link...iskh bengap IT betoi ahahaha)


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Steak ohhh STEAK!! part 2

DCMC SUPER-DUPER STEAK Ver 2.0 Recipe for 2 servings

1/2 pound steak -sirloin (cut into 2 if u r in good mood)
1.5 teaspoon of unsalted butter
1 cup of fresh sliced mushrooms
1.5 teaspoon of all purpose flour
0.5 cup of beef stock ( u might wanna get instant one as the original one would take at least 8hrs to prepare...unless u own a steakhouse haha)
some oil for coating, salt and pepper for seasoning ( i get myself some garlics for the magic )

Jom Masak !!

1. Seasoned the steaks as desired. ( coat lightly with oil+salt+pepper) or (salt+pepper +smashed up garlics and rubbed to the flesh...)
2. Cook the steaks in a skillet/pan over medium heat to DESIRED DONENESS !! (blh refer kat pics bawah ni ok... )
3. Remove the steaks. Cover loosely with aluminum foil and let rest 5 to 10 minutes before serving. During this time the meat continues to cook (meat temperature will rise 5 to 10 degrees after it is removed) and the juices accumulate…
4. Heat the butter in the skillet/pan. Add the mushrooms and cook until they're tender
5. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute. Gradually stir….. until the mixture boils and thickens. Serve the mushroom gravy with the steaks ( serve whole or slice thin and fan onto serving plates)

** never touch + poke the steak other than to turn it... RESPECT THE MEAT !!
** i usually turn max twice for each side
** there will be a lot of turn on the vent otherwise your neighbours will come and
confiscate all the steaks !!

ok...these pics explaining the condition of the steaks...remembering and applying will not only show your knowledge but eventually gain PEOPLE RESPECT too !!

Steak Rare Internal Temp 55 C

A rare done steak should be warm through the middle, lightly charred on the outside, browned around the sides and bright red in the middle. The meat should be soft to the touch, feeling like the raw meat but browned over the surface. Cook this steak as hot as possible for a very short period of time, probably about one to two minutes per side for a one inch thick steak (depending on your grill).

Steak Medium Rare Internal Temp 57 C

At medium rare your steak should be warm through the middle with a hint of red. Most of the center of the steak should be pink. The sides should be well browned, the top and bottom charred to a dark brown color. This steak should have a firm surface but be soft in the middle. Grill this steak as hot as you can for about 2 to 3 minutes per side (depending on your grill). This is the recommended level of doneness for a good steak !!

Steak Medium Internal Temp 65 C

A medium steak should have a thick band of light pink through the middle but be more browned than pink. The sides should be a rich brown color and the top and bottom charred darkly (but no black). This steak should have some play through the middle but feel firm to the touch. Grill this steak over a medium high heat for about 5 to 6 minutes per side (depending on your grill). If you are grilling for a large group of people this is the best level of doneness to please most people...

Steak Medium Well !! Internal Temp 68 to 74 C

A medium well steak should have a hint of pink in the very middle of the steak.The surface should be a dark brown with good charring on the top and bottom. This steak will be very stiff but still have a little squish in the middle. Grill this steak over a high heat for one minute per side then move to a medium heat for 5 to 6 additional minutes per side (depending on your grill). This is the steak for the squeamish who don't want color in their meat. If you can sneak this one in for someone ordering Well you will be doing both of you a favor.

Well Done !! Internal temp is 77C or higher

This steak should NOT be burnt on the outside. While there is not even the faintest hint of pink in the middle it should be browned through, not burnt through. This steak should feel solid all the way through. A Well Done steak is the hardest to cook. The secret is to do it low and slow. It's the only way to prevent burning while getting it cooked through the middle. Grill this steak over a medium heat for between 10 and 12 minutes per side. Most people will tell you that this is the steak for people who don't like steak.

fadzly signing out !!!---- balik malaysia nanti baru post real pics ok guys !!!

Steak ohhh STEAK !!

I used to remember my first time Dad brought us to eat steak at our younger age (skarang not so young anymore hahaha) The restaurant was fabulous with decorative lights and soft music. My mouth started drooling like hungry wolves....then the main dishes arrived...TADA. it look awesome and smell soooooo wohooooo. Then things gone crazy for a while for me. The beef is so hard and its look pretty difficult to eat. Even though i ate it ( with all my heart ) the beef is just too hard to chew and swallow.

“Ni daging ker kayu ker” or “macam makan selipar hahaha” are the sentences we used that night.

Now im going to share what steak really mean ( in term of eating and preparing it the right/dcmc way).

(i really like to cook here in swiss but there are no HALAL meat here –will explain later ) so these are pics from friends that i shares...nanti balik Malaysia baru post REAL PICS !!)

Let' begin with the beef sliced and size
Choosing the correct cut of meat is very important. Some of the best steaks for gilling are the premium cuts. Thickness of the steak is very important between 1 inch and 1 1/2 inches thick.

Tenderloin or Mignon Fillet
Kandungan lemak yang rendah (sesuwei sangat bg yang obsess dgn diet tapi nak melantak haha)
most tender steaks but not the most flavor!!!

Sirloin or Sirloin Tip
2nd least fat in the muscles & great for grilling to yum yum

Top Sirloin
noticed some fat stings on top?? that adds some fat and flavor!!!

Rib Eye
nampak tak byk lemak marbling kat daging tu?? That's why it's the best for steaks!!!

mendapat gelaran unik of the T section of the fat in the flesh. Its combination of strip sirloin dan mignon fillet/ saya bole makan dgn 2 org hahaha so BIG!! for Malaysian guy.
** all pictures credit to google images

TIP SEBELUM MASAK!!!!! (penting nih - otherwise the quality is just simply uwek!!!)

Steak mestilah berada pada suhu bilik/must be in room temp!! therefore kalo dari peti as, biarkan berada dalam 30-60 minit (wah lama betul..apa nak buat wat masa tuh? Takkan nak tengok aja???) So masa yang ada tu bole buat persiapan makanan lain. Ok!!! consider the accompaniments for the steak would be nice idea.

Kalo terus masak dari peti ais ------>struktur tisu daging akan mengeras/ the steak will contract thus the muscles will get stiff!! AWAS!!! -----> terus jadi selipar jepun laa hahaha. Pastikan lap skit steak tu sebelum masuk ke pan..kita tak mo steamkan daging betoi tak!!! hahaha

Dry heat cooking causes the exterior of the meat to brown and caramilze (ni wat sodap sgt ni!!!). This process is called MAILLARD REACTION meaning sugar inherent in the meat thru caramelization. The moisture on the surgace will evaporates and the juices becaoms concentrated, forming the applealing brown crus (ni paling best!!!)