Hi dan Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak !!
to tell the truth...i'm quite envied coz my wife has been very...veryyyy succesful in blogging arena, which fused me with enthusiasm and will to write something. It has been a while since i have this thought ~ as a note to self, to chart my educational progress, to cherish my family, as a link to my friends and most of all..my passion towards cooking.
Sesungguhnya, my wife mmg or should say LAGI TERRER di dapur when it comes with malay cuisine which i like about. I can never be to her level in term of determination and improvisation. Whenever we are together in the same kitchen...CLASH of TITANS happens ( korang dah tengok kah citer nih ? best wooo ) Anyway, its like a curse or something that there cant have more cooks in the kitchen. Well, tu yg diorang cakap kan " More cooks will spoil the broth ! " Citer pasal my wife nanti la disambungkan. Nak taw lebih lanjut...meh masuk link kat sini > NAQIES or > FMNAQIES
Herewith, saya akan cuba sedaya upaya utk berkongsi pengalaman dan idea dalam kulinari ( jgn jadi kuli dah ler ahahaha ) dan korang ( pembaca setia ) diminta utk memberi feedback so that sama2 kita perolehi manfaat baik dari segi ilmiah dan juga praktikal. I will personally shared my experienced cuisine testings around European areas especially in Switzerland where i reside with my family now. Kami pun dah dok sini quite awhile since 2009. Mujur alhamdullilah !! dapat biasiswa HLP2009 utk sambung Masters level kat University Centre of Cesar Ritz kat Swiss. Skarang ni tgh stuck with dissertation ...hadoi...tak senang gak rupernyer ;)
Apa2 pun, bersyukur kepadaNya !! semoga apa yang diserahkan kepada saya dan keluarga moga dapat saya kongsi utk korang semua. Saya percaya atas keberkatan ilmu dan pengalaman!! So start esok, kita akan tengok tentang ...er...er...tentang apa hek ?? ahahaha !! mlm ni difikirkan lah.
BTW....kalo merapu2 tu saya wat dlm BM la yer. Kalo masuk isu+ilmiah+praktical tu dibuat dlm English. Bukan menidakkan bahasa ibunda tapi kita mesti upgrade skit level international dan look at different perspective in order to increase knowledge parameter ( la dah ckp omputih plak dah !! ).
Saya sudahi entri pertama dgn lafaz alhamdullillah !! saya sudahpun mempunyai satu blog
( walaupun bodo ghupernyer !! ahahaha )
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semat betoi yg warna oren tuh.... |
fadzly signing out !! 15.51.20082010 swiss time ...
byk btoi typo error...kene baiki lagi penulisan yer
ReplyDeleteI'll follow u.........
ReplyDeletego go go! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Mr Not Chef, Gud blog your have here.. gud introduction of your family. Hehe hoping to get your recipe here....kekee
ReplyDeletehaha..dah ada org mintak tadi...so esok akan post western recipe plak...stand by yer !!